Sent to the Principal’s Office

A principal’s journey through the world of educational leadership

About Me

As an educator in my 21st year, I continue to reflect on the reason I continue in this field, particularly in light of the last few years and the challenges presented to school leaders..  Despite these “potholes” in the road, I inevitably revisit my “why” and  come back to my pursuit of educational equity–specifically, examining the structures, policies, and practices that promote access for all students and families within a school and district.  My experience and passion for leaning  into educators’ expertise and building capacity to reach ALL learners brings me to this work.

Being a principal is a lonely job–no one truly understands the burden of responsibility that lies within this role.  Collaborating with other building principals was always the most beneficial to my practice (and to my sanity).  As an educational consultant with first-hand classroom and administrator experience I enjoy working with school leaders  who are looking to shape their systems to ensure equity for all and who would like a thought partner along the way.  Through a comprehensive review of the current systems, practices, and insight from school community stakeholders, I partner with building leaders to  develop a professional learning plan that meets the unique needs of  their teachers and their students. .  For over a decade I had the great privilege of serving as the Principal of the Newman Elementary School in Needham, MA.  Throughout my time in Needham, I found myself drawn to the work connected to curriculum and instruction and social and emotional learning–addressing areas of inequity in order to create a culture of anti-racist practices.  This work was hard, however, especially as a white woman of privilege trying to navigate a seemingly impossible sea of problems.  We know that providing access to rigorous curriculum and instruction is key to ensuring that systems of inequity are dismantled and all students are able to reach their full potential.  Offering authentic feedback to teachers continues to be the most effective way to accomplish this.  Giving educators another set of eyes on their practice and guiding them to reflect on how their students are learning and growing is something that I believe is key to educator improvement.  Creating spaces for administrators to grow in their ability to coach and give this feedback to their teachers  is what I feel I  offer to school leaders as they navigate this arduous journey.  You’re not alone!!

For more information on consultation and collaboration opportunities, please contact me at:

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